Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Links added!

Today, I have added links to all of the stores we visited. Some links are to websites and others to e-mail.

I will also post links to the stores and companies who provided all of the amazing added goodies we had on the bus. This could happen as early as tomorrow!

Keep posting your guesses for what stores these pictures were taken at. I'll post some more pics soon.

I'd also like to let you know about a crop coming up on Saturday, May 10th at UVIC. This crop is hosted by Karen McKenzie from Tin Box Creations. It starts at 9:30 am and runs for a wonderful 12 hours, until 9:30 pm. Lunch and beverages are included for a mere $40 and each person brings a snack to share. Karen will also reward anyone bringing a friend who has not been before.

I'm going to the crop, so you can be my friend.....I love PRIZES!
Here is Karen's e-mail: or you can call her at 250-295-6705. Hope to see you there!


mE said...

Nancy darling, This is so freaking cool!!!!

I wanna go do that, too!!!!

Gotta get a passport, gotta get a passport!



Nancy Ball said...

Erin honey, I'll hold a seat for you on the Fall "CRAWL" - you better run really fast for that passport!

How much stinkin' fun would it be to have an international scrapbook crawl.....oh to have loads and loads of $$$ for that!

jostamps said...

Thank you so much Nancy.
I can hardly wait to see what you have in store for me in my special "winner's package". Feels grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat to call myself a winner!
Thanks again for all your hard work. I can hardly wait until the Fall. How about a 'crawl' to Erin in Utah--what do you think Erin--sound like fun--you betcha?? Then we will all need a passport. Speaking of which, I would love to join you in April, but...we are heading down to Mexico. Sun, oh yes, we need it!!
Cheers and all the best. Jo